South Fawley Asbestos Bulk Sample Analysis

Airsafe Analytical Ltd provides Asbestos Bulk Sample Analysis in South Fawley. We offer a competitive asbestos fibre identification service carried out in accordance with HSE Guidance Note Asbestos: The analysts' guide (HSG 248), returning results by email within 24 hours in most cases.

Crocidolite Asbestos

Asbestos Analysis in Progress

What we look for during South Fawley Asbestos Bulk Sample Analysis

In the United Kingdom, the three most common forms of asbestos are Chrysotile (White), Amosite (Brown) and Crocidolite (Blue). They are found in common building materials such as insulation board panels, bonded cements, gaskets, insulation, textured coatings and vinyl flooring.

The test is qualitative, which means that we are unable to give an estimate of the amount of asbestos in the sample.

How is South Fawley asbestos detected?

Identification is made using polarised light microscopy and phase contrast dissection staining microscopy.

Samples can be delivered to our laboratory near South Fawley, or collected by our Asbestos Bulk Sample Analysis expert analysts.

An asbestos fibre identification certificate is produced for each batch of samples analysed, which is available most commonly in PDF format via email for a fast and reliable return of results.

For a free Asbestos Bulk Sample Analysis quote, call our specialists on 01488 851765

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